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Include `try-runtime` in your project

Learn how to integrate try-runtime in your chain.


Include try-runtime to use it in a Substrate node.

Use cases#

Use try-runtime to test a storage migration.


The try-runtime tool is useful for running tests before launching a runtime to production. This is a simple guide which steps through which dependencies to include and where to include them in order to use it inside a runtime.


Be sure to use the latest monthly-* tag when adding your dependencies.


1. Adding runtime dependencies#

In runtime/Cargo.toml#

Add the FRAME dependency:

frame-try-runtime = { git = '', tag = 'monthly-2021-07', optional = true }
try-runtime-cli = { git = '', tag = 'monthly-2021-07', optional = true }
/* --snip-- */
std = [
/* --snip-- */

In runtime/Cargo.toml, for every pallet in your runtime:#

try-runtime = [

In runtime/src/, implement it for your runtime:#

#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
impl frame_try_runtime::TryRuntime<Block> for Runtime {
fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Result<(Weight, Weight), sp_runtime::RuntimeString> {
let weight = Executive::try_runtime_upgrade()?;
Ok((weight, BlockWeights::get().max_block))

2. Adding node dependencies#

In node/Cargo.toml (always check for the latest version):#

/* --snip-- */
cli = [
try-runtime = [
/* --snip-- */
frame-try-runtime = { git = '', tag = 'monthly-2021-07', optional = true }
try-runtime-cli = { git = '', tag = 'monthly-2021-07', optional = true }
/* --snip-- */

In node/src/ add the subcommands:#

/* --snip-- */
/// Try some command against runtime state.
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
/// Try some command against runtime state. Note: `try-runtime` feature must be enabled.
#[cfg(not(feature = "try-runtime"))]
/* --snip-- */

In node/src/, add:#

/* --snip-- */
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
Some(Subcommand::TryRuntime(cmd)) => {
let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?;
runner.async_run(|config| {
// we don't need any of the components of new_partial, just a runtime, or a task
// manager to do `async_run`.
let registry = config.prometheus_config.as_ref().map(|cfg| &cfg.registry);
let task_manager = sc_service::TaskManager::new(
).map_err(|e| sc_cli::Error::Service(sc_service::Error::Prometheus(e)))?;
Ok((<Block, Executor>(config), task_manager))
#[cfg(not(feature = "try-runtime"))]
Some(Subcommand::TryRuntime) => {
Err("TryRuntime wasn't enabled when building the node. \
You can enable it with `--features try-runtime`.".into())
/* --snip-- */

If you're using custom pallets in your workspace, make sure you included try-runtime in the dependencies inside the pallets/pallet_name/Cargo.toml file of your workspace.

3. Using try-runtime#

Just like writing unit tests, to use try-runtime create an externalities instance and call execute_with on it.

Refer to this guide to learn more on how to do this.





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