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Publish a pallet to its own crate

Make your pallet available for others to use!


  • Learn the patterns to write a Substrate pallet that lives in its own crate
  • Publish a pallet to Github and
  • Include your pallet in a Substrate Node from Github and

Use cases#

Make your pallet available for other developers to use remotely.


Writing a Substrate pallet in its own Rust crate, and publishing it allows other blockchain developers to easily use your pallet in their runtime by simply including those same four lines of code in their runtime's Cargo.toml files and updating their runtime's file.

This guide is not going to go through writing a pallet directly as part of the node template, but rather as a separate Rust crate. This approach allows us to publish our pallet separately from our node and also allows others to easily import this pallet into their own Substrate runtime.


1. Renaming your crate#

In the Cargo.toml file, you must update the crate's name. Update the value of the attribute in the Cargo.toml file to test-pallet.

The package section of the Cargo.toml file now looks like:


authors = ['Substrate DevHub <>']
description = 'FRAME pallet template'
edition = '2018'
homepage = ''
license = 'Unlicensed'
name = 'test-pallet'
repository = ''
version = '3.0.0'

Compile the Template Pallet#

You should be able to successfully check the Substrate pallet template with:

cd test-pallet
SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 cargo check
Your Pallet's std Feature

In your pallets/test-pallet/Cargo.toml file, you will notice a few lines about the "std feature". In Rust, when you enable std, you give your project access to the Rust standard libraries. This works just fine when building native binaries. However, Substrate also builds the runtime code to WebAssembly (Wasm). In this case we use cargo features to disable the Rust standard library. Thus, all the dependencies we use for our pallet, and our entire runtime, must be able to compile with no_std feature. Our Cargo.toml file tells our pallet's dependencies to only use their std feature when this pallet also uses its std feature.

2. Ensure consistent dependencies#

FRAME dependencies#

All Substrate pallets will depend on some low-level FRAME libraries such as frame-system and frame-support. These libraries are pulled from When people build their own FRAME-based runtimes, they will also have dependencies on these low-level libraries. You will need to ensure consistent dependencies between your pallet and your runtime.


# --snip--
frame-support = { default-features = false, version = '3.0.0' }
# --snip--

From the above snippet, we see that this pallet template depends on version 3.0.0 of the low-level libraries. Thus it can be used in runtimes that also depend on 3.0.0.


Note that substrate adheres to the semver standards - thus each release is on the form major.minor.patch. In general it is not expected that major releases are compatible! Thus if you are developing a pallet, or integrating ones, be sure to match versions to keep things all working correctly.

Dev dependencies#

The final section of the Cargo.toml file specifies the dev dependencies. These are the dependencies that are needed in your pallet's tests, but not the actual pallet itself.


# --snip--
sp-core = { default-features = false, version = '3.0.0' }
# --snip--

You can confirm that the tests in the Substrate pallet template pass with:

SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 cargo test

When updating this pallet to include your own custom logic, you will likely add dependencies of your own to this Cargo.toml file.

3. Add your pallet to your node#

Refer to this guide on how to complete this step.

4. Run your node#

At this point you have the pallet packaged up in its own crate and included in your node's runtime.

Make sure you're back in the node template's root directory, then compile the node and start in development mode with the following command:

cargo build --release
./target/release/node-template --tmp --dev

Now, start the Polkadot-JS Apps connecting to your local node to confirm that the pallet is working as expected.


You can also manually set the node URL in Polkadot-JS Apps by navigating to the Settings tab, and have the remote node/endpoint to connect to set to Local Node.

5. Publish your pallet#

Once your pallet is no longer in test phase, you should consider publishing it to GitHub or, the crate registry for the Rust community.

Publishing on GitHub#

To publish on GitHub, you need to create a GitHub repository and push your pallet's code to it.

Publishing on allows permissionless publishing. Learn the procedure following their own guide about publishing on

6. Updating your runtime's dependencies#

With your pallet now published on GitHub,, or both, we can update your runtime to use the code that is published instead of a hard-coded file system path.

Dependencies from GitHub#


default_features = false
git = ''
branch = 'master'
# You may choose a specific commit or tag instead of branch
# rev = '<git-commit>'
# tag = '<some tag>

Dependencies from


default_features = false
version = 'some-compatible-version'

Compile one more time and notice that Cargo now grabs your pallet from GitHub or instead of using the local files.




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