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How to use the scheduler pallet for storage migrations



Implement storage migration logic using Substrate’s scheduler pallet for non-core migrations.

Use cases#

  • Removing old unused storage during a runtime upgrade
  • Migrating storage unrelated to the core logic of the chain (if the upgraded logic does not depend on the new storage format).


This guide outlines steps to schedule non-core storage or other runtime migrations using the scheduler pallet.


1. Define extrinsics in the runtime#

Define extrinsics that you want to be scheduled. Ensure the extrinsics can only be called via root or a pallet origin. When scheduling the extrinsics from your pallet, use this origin.

impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
pub fn example_run_migration(
origin: OriginFor<T>
) -> DispatchResult {
//This extrinsic is what you schedule in your migration code.
//It contains the migration logic.

2. Add the Scheduler type to the Configuration trait.#

You need to define the Scheduler trait in your Config trait to access the Scheduler pallet from your pallet. Traits in the Scheduler pallet require a defined Call type as a parameter. You can also define the Call type in your Config trait to match your on-chain Scheduler pallet.

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// The Call type that is scheduled.
type ScheduledCall: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin = Self::Origin> + From<Call<Self>>;
/// The Scheduler.
type Scheduler: ScheduleNamed<Self::BlockNumber, Self::ScheduledCall, Self::Origin>;

3. Schedule the calls within the on_runtime_upgrade hook#

  • use the schedule_named method from the Scheduler pallet to trigger your migration extrinsic.
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
// Anything that needs to be executed after the runtime upgrade but before on_initialize().
match T::Scheduler::schedule_named(
Err(err) => frame_support::print(err),
_ => (),
0 // Calculate the weight of this function.

Schedule the extrinsic for the blocks after the migration executes. If it takes an unknown length of time to execute, set up a counter within the extrinsic to make sure that it stops once it hits a certain weight and then schedules itself again for the next block.

4. Trigger the migrations.#

Once you have defined the calls and the on_runtime_upgrade hook you can trigger the migrations by upgrading the runtime as described here



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