
This page contains summaries of the merged PRs into Substrate organized in two sections: “Runtime” (using the B1-note_worthy + T1-runtime labels) and “Node SDK” (using the B1-note_worthy + T0-node labels). Read more about how Substrate uses labels here.


Here are note-worthy Runtime PRs in Substrate repo merged between 2023-07-26 and 2023-08-21.

#14793 fix: try_on_runtime_upgrade for Tuple weight summation


Updates the try_on_runtime_upgrade implementation to increment the cumulative weights.

#14773 Improve storage_alias and make UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds independent of the pallet


This pull request improves the storage_alias by making it more generic over the prefix to use. It also makes pallet_democracy::UnlockAndUnreserveAllFunds independent of the presence of the pallet-democracy pallet. Additionally, it puts some tests in frame-support into their own file to clean up the

#14740 Update Scheduler Pallet Documentation


This code change updates the documentation of the Scheduler Pallet and adds a warning section to inform users of anti-patterns when scheduling runtime calls.

#14706 Remove deprecated old weight items


The PR removes the deprecated weight implementation.

#14685 [FRAME] Remove V1 Module Syntax


The changes include removing the decl_ macro syntax and moving no_bound derives to their own folder.

#14678 Cross-contract calling: simple debugger


This code change aims to provide insights into the internals of the contracts pallet by adding breakpoints before and after an Executable object is invoked. The intention is to achieve a more interactive debugging experience, particularly in environments where there is direct access to the runtime. The plan is to add more breakpoints in the future to provide additional information.

#14589 Contracts remove deposit accounts


This PR removes deposit accounts in the Contracts pallet and updates the migrations to be backwards compatible. A new migration is added to move the balance from the deposit accounts back to the contract accounts.

#14538 Pallets: Treasury deprecate propose_spend dispatchable


This PR deprecates the propose_spend dispatchable and its dependent dispatchables, reject_proposal and approve_proposal, in favor of using the spend dispatchable.

#14453 add frame_system::DefaultConfig to individual pallet DefaultConfigs


This code change modifies the DeriveImpl experimental feature to generate a trait that extends frame_system::DefaultConfig if the trait Config is bound by frame_system::Config and provides examples of its use in the test files of the Proxy and Multisig pallets. This update allows types reliant on frame_system::Config to have defaults if they are present in frame_system::DefaultConfig.

#14079 Contracts: Add deposit for dependencies


This code change introduces two new runtime functions, add_delegate_dependency and remove_delegate_dependency, to prevent a contract from being removed when invoked via delegate_call. It also adds new configuration fields, MaxDelegateDependencies and CodeHashLockupDepositPercent, to control the maximum number of delegate dependencies and the percentage of the storage deposit required for using a code hash.

#14020 Contracts: migrate to fungible traits


The Currency and ReservableCurrency traits are deprecated in favor of the fungible traits. The ReservableCurrency::reserve and ReservableCurrency::unreserve functions are replaced with fungible::hold::Mutate::hold and fungible::hold::Mutate::release, respectively. Holds are now explicitly designed to be infallibly slashed and require a provider reference. They also require an identifier that is configurable and expected to be an enum aggregated across all pallet instances of the runtime. Some events have been changed due to the changes from reserve/unreserve to hold/release. The ExistenceRequirement enum is replaced by Preservation. The Currency::transfer() function no longer performs the sanity check it used to, so the sanity check is now addressed before calling Currency::transfer(). The pallet_contracts::Config trait now requires a new type RuntimeHoldReason. The construct_runtime macro needs pallet_contracts::HoldReason. Some migrations require a generic OldCurrency that implements the traits that the previous T::Currency implemented. After this PR, deposit accounts are no longer needed as the new “held” balance does not contribute to the ED. This PR does not alter the deposit accounts and its functionality.

#12970 [NPoS] Implements dynamic number of nominators


This PR refactors the implementation of the ElectionDataProvider bounds and implements a dynamic nomination quota per voter. It introduces a new trait NominationsQuota and a struct FixedNominationsQuota to set the maximum number of nominations per nominator. The PR also introduces an ElectionSizeTracker to keep track of the size of the snapshot and ensures that it is bounded. The ElectionBounds struct replaces MaxElectableTargets and TargetsBound to define the count and size limits of voters and targets for an election. The ElectionDataProvider interface is modified to take an instance of DataProviderBounds as input. New events and a runtime API are also added.

#10621 CountedNMap implementation


A new implementation called CountedStorageNMap is added for StorageNMap, similar to what CountedStorageMap is to StorageMap.

Node SDK

Here are note-worthy Node SDK PRs in Substrate repo merged between 2023-07-26 and 2023-08-21.

#14731 deprecate try-runtime subcommand and direct users to standalone cli


The try-runtime subcommand has been migrated to a standalone CLI. Tests have been removed to reduce load on the CI and have been migrated to the new repository.

#14612 Set StateBackend::Transaction to PrefixedMemoryDB


This pull request removes the Transaction associated type from sp_state_machine::Backend and fixes it to PrefixedMemoryDB. It also moves the “storage transaction cache” into OverlayedChanges to simplify the code. Downstream code changes include removing references to TransactionFor and StateBackend::Transaction, and changing BlockImportParams and DefaultImportQueue to only take one generic argument.

#14412 Bandersnatch VRF


This PR introduces a new kind of VRF called bandersnatch-vrfs, which can operate as a classical VRF or as a ring VRF. The code has been partially extracted from the Sassafras PR and is still an experimental feature. There are open points regarding dependencies on bandersnatch-vrfs, fflonk, and ring-proof.

#14337 Get rid of Peerset compatibility layer


The code changes eliminate Peerset and instead give handles to PeerStore and ProtocolController to the components that need them. This resolves an issue with peer counting in Protocol and clarifies that self.peers only contains peers on the default protocol.