
This page contains summaries of the merged PRs into Substrate organized in two sections: “Runtime” (using the B1-note_worthy + T1-runtime labels) and “Node SDK” (using the B1-note_worthy + T0-node labels). Read more about how Substrate uses labels here.


Here are note-worthy Runtime PRs in Substrate repo merged between 2023-05-01 and 2023-06-23.

#14417 suppress unused warning in kitchensink example


This PR fixes the unused error for new_test_ext() when compiling cargo test in the kitchensink node by adding a test that uses it.

#14397 Delete 1D weight ctors and set explicit deprecation dates


The code changes involve deleting two functions after a grace period and adding a removal date of July 2023 to various already deprecated items.


This code change removes some types from frame::support::inherent and suggests importing them from their respective origins instead. It is recommended to wait for the frame crate to give them a smooth transition.

#14326 Frame: Give Referendum SubmitOrigin argument


This code change allows for inspection of the track a submission origin is being made for, and updates all type bounders in Substrate to support the EnsureOriginWithArg trait as well as the EnsureOrigin trait. A macro is introduced to allow EnsureOrigin implementors to support EnsureOriginWithArg. If using the Referenda pallet and encountering a build error around SubmitOrigin, wrap the type with frame_support::AsEnsureOriginWithArg to get an EnsureOriginWithArg implementation.

#14309 Move type Migrations to Config


This PR removes the hardcoded migration sequence from in the Contracts pallet and places it within Config so it can be configured in the runtime. Developers need to update their runtime configuration with their pending migrations. This is a breaking change as it adds a new type to the Config.

#14261 frame: support for serde added


The code changes include enabling serde features in dependent crates, adding serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize implementation for enum Forcing in frame::staking, providing Serialize/Deserialize implementation for impl_opaque_keys macro in primitives::runtime, adding serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize implementation for enum StakerStatus in primitives::staking, and implementing serde::Serialize/Deserialize for pallets GenesisConfig in no-std. These changes are a step towards issue #13334 and are also reflected in the Polkadot and Cumulus companions.

#14260 frame_system::remark: Allow any kind of origin


This PR updates the System pallet to allow any kind of origin to call the remark dispatchable.

#14241 migration(tips): unreserve deposits


This code change adds a migration that unreserves all deposits made by the tips pallet. It records the reserves of all accounts with open tips prior to the migration, unreserves all balances locked up in tips, and checks that the reserved balances were reduced by the expected amount.

#14228 wasm-builder: Enforce runtime_version wasm section


This code change enforces the runtime_version wasm section in the wasm-builder and provides a way to disable the check if needed. This change aims to prevent issues related to missing RuntimeVersion in the runtime.

#14226 migration(democracy): unreserve deposits and clear locks


This code change adds a migration that unreserves all deposits and clears locks held by the democracy pallet. The pre-upgrade collects pre-migration data useful for validating the migration was successful, and also checks the integrity of deposited balances. The on-runtime upgrade unreserves and unlocks the balances. The post-upgrade checks that no more locks exist for the pallet, and reserved balances were reduced by the expected amount.

#14224 Add a deprecation warning to the old runtime GenesisConfig


The PR adds a deprecation warning for using the runtime level GenesisConfig, which has been renamed to RuntimeGenesisConfig. It also includes links to related PRs in Cumulus and Polkadot companions.

#14218 migration(elections-phragmen): unreserve deposits and clear locks


This code change adds a migration that unreserves all deposits and unlocks all stake held by the Elections-phragmen pallet. The migration collects pre-migration data useful for validating the migration was successful, and also checks the integrity of deposited and reserved balances. The on_runtime_upgrade unreserves and unlocks the balances, and post_upgrade checks that all expected locks were removed, and reserved balances were reduced by the expected amount.

#14214 pallet-merkle-mountain-range: Remove extra Hash type


The code change removes the type Hash from the pallet-merkle-mountain-range::Config.

#14164 Adds ability to use default hasher in dev_mode for explicit key binding


The code change allows using a default hasher in dev_mode in case of explicit key binding, which enables a syntax to work in dev_mode but throws an error otherwise.

#14149 Introduce entropy function into frame System


The code change introduces a stateless function that generates a unique identifier for use in XCM and potentially other areas of the ecosystem.

#14144 Actually respect locks of zero


This PR updates the LockableCurrency trait to ensure set_lock is not a no-op when locking zero funds.

#14108 frame: Enable GenesisConfig in no_std


The code change enables GenesisConfig compilation in no_std environment and provides a Default implementation for GenesisConfig required for no_std in no-native runtime world.

#14106 Timeout only if the referendum is not queued


The code change ensures that a referendum is only cancelled if the deciding deposit is not paid and the timeout elapses, rather than being cancelled regardless of whether it is queued or not.

#14070 Add Blocked Account Status to Assets Pallet


This PR adds an asset account state of Blocked when it is Frozen and unable to receive funds of the asset.

#14052 add pallet macro kitchensink example/template


The PR adds a new pallet that showcases all #[pallet::xxx] macros and their usage.

#14045 contracts: Multi block migrations


This PR adds a multi-block migration framework for pallet-contracts and fixes an issue. The changes include steps to test migration with try-runtime and zombienet, finding blocks involved in a migration, and steps to make it a generic migration framework. The migration framework currently relies on MigrationInProgress storage, which needs to be moved to a library or implemented as a new trait. Once implemented, people can configure their Migration type that they pass to Executive.

#14039 Staking::{bond, set_controller} to set controllers to stash only.


This PR updates the staking pallet’s set_controller and bond calls to not take the controller argument, disallowing unique controllers for these functions. It also fixes staking tests, benchmarks, fast-unstake tests, test-staking-e2e tests, and root-offences tests, and tidies up functions.

#14024 pallet-aura: Allow multiple blocks per slot


The code change allows sequential blocks to be authored within the same slot, which will be useful for backlog of blocks and future roadmap items like elastic scaling and parallel block production. The update guide suggests setting the new AllowMultipleBlocksPerSlot to false to maintain current behavior.

#13993 BREAKING - Try-runtime: Use proper error types


This PR updates the return types of several hooks and introduces a new type called TryRuntimeError which is an alias to DispatchError. The hooks should no longer use assert! and instead return TryRuntimeError in case of an error. Existing error variants can be used, but if there isn’t one, &'static str should be used which will be converted to TryRuntimeError during compile time.

#13958 Take into account proof size for transaction payment and priority


The code changes will now take into account the proof size while adjusting the fee in the Transaction Payment pallet, which will prevent an attacker from filling the block with storage size without paying an appropriate fee. The PR also considers proof size for calculation of transaction priority. Care needs to be taken to set the max PoV size for a chain to ensure optimal block fullness based on each weight dimension.

#13869 HoldReason: Improve usage


The HoldReason attribute was recently switched to use the composite_enum attribute, which requires changes to downstream code. This PR adds RuntimeHoldReason as type to the Config trait and requires that Currency is uses the same reason. With this update, HoldReason needs to be removed from pallet_nis::Config and replaced with RuntimeHoldReason. For the pallet_balances::Config trait you need to change HoldIdentifier to RuntimeHoldReason and pass the RuntimeHoldReason that is being generated by construct_runtime!.

#13852 fungible conformance tests: Inspect and Mutate


The code changes implement conformance tests for fungible traits Inspect and Mutate. It includes a pattern for creating a function that accepts something implementing Inspect + Mutate, implementation of inspect and mutate conformance tests, testing conformance tests against balances, and creation of a macro to generate test cases wrapped with some logic.

#13843 Allow Creation of Asset Accounts That Don’t Exist Yet and Add Blocked Status


The code changes add new dispatchables for creating and refunding accounts with zero balance in an asset class, represented by a new variant. A new trait is added to allow other pallets to create an account. A new account status of “Blocked” is also added, which prevents both withdrawals and deposits, and can be returned to its unrestricted state via the existing “thaw” function.

#13705 Deprecate Pallet decl_* Macros


The code changes involve deprecating decl_module, decl_storage, decl_error, and decl_event and migrating any remaining usage to #[frame_support::pallet]. There are related issues and pull requests that these changes depend on.

#13454 [FRAME Core] Default Pallet Config Trait / derive_impl


This PR adds the ability for a pallet to define one or more defaults for its trait Config via #[pallet::config(with_default)]. Then, when writing impl Config for Runtime, one of these defaults can be used to elide any missing type item via #[derive_impl(path_to_default_impl)]. At the moment, this is limited to type items that do not rely on frame_system::Config. This PR also adds several attribute proc macros to frame_support, most notably #[derive_impl(..)] and #[register_default_impl(..)], which in tandem make it possible to create trait impls that provide sane defaults and dynamically inject the non-colliding trait items from these impls into downstream trait impls that want to use the sane defaults but potentially override some of them.

#13417 Improve handling of unset StorageVersion


This code change ensures that if a user forgets to set the storage version in a pallet and calls current_storage_version, it will fail to compile the code. It also checks in post_upgrade that the pallet storage version was upgraded and no migration was missed. However, this may cause try-runtime tests to fail, which can be fixed by setting the storage version using a simple migration.

#13373 Create benchmark for the system::set_code instrisic


The code changes benchmark system::set_code by timing uncompression and setting the kitchensink runtime to determine an upper bound.

#13031 arkworks integration


This PR adds host function calls for elliptic curve arithmetic used by Arkworks to the sp_crypto_ec_utils crate. The host calls are for bls12_381, bls12_377, ed_on_bls12_381, ed_on_bls12_77, bw6_761. The host functions receive their arguments serialized to Vec<u8> by ark-scale and return the result as serialized Result<Vec<u8>, ()>, which then needs to be deserialized by ark-scale. The curves are defined in the repo and receive the host functions by dependency injection. Tests are covered by pulling in where we instantiate the ark-substrate curves, which receive the sp-io host function implementations by dependency injection. The PR could be further optimized by adding more curves and replacing more operations by host function calls.

#11324 Society v2


The changes to Society pallet include the removal of technical limitations on the number of members, proper use of BoundedVec, and the ability for the founder to alter max members and intake size without a runtime upgrade. Members are ranked and voting weight is determined by rank. The candidate voting process is now a two-phase process, and the voting/reward/punishment scheme for candidates and challenged members is completely different.

Node SDK

Here are note-worthy Node SDK PRs in Substrate repo merged between 2023-05-01 and 2023-06-23.

#14391 expose setting kademlia replication factor through node CLI


The code change exposes the ability to set the Kademlia replication factor through the node’s CLI, which is useful in test environments where the default replication factor of 20 may cause issues with AuthorityDiscovery.

#14285 sc-transaction-pool: Always use best block to check if we should skip enactment


The tree route will be calculated against the best block and used to determine if checks should be skipped.

#14252 sp-api: Set correct where bound in the generated code


The code fix corrects the where bound for the create_metadata function by using the where bound declared at the type declaration augmented with the manual where bound.

#14236 Incorporate sc-peerset into sc-network


The code changes involve moving Peerset, PeerStore, and ProtocolController from sc-peerset to sc-network & sc-network-common in preparation for #14170. The B1-note_worthy label is added because the sc-peerset crate is retired.

#14230 Make offchain tx pool creation reusable


A new OffchainTransactionPoolFactory is introduced to create offchain transaction pools that can be registered in the runtime externalities context, which will simplify the creation of offchain transaction pools in a future PR.

#14191 TrieCache: Fine tune the size of the local and node cache


The code changes increase the size of the local cache to 10MiB and give the node cache a bigger max size than the value cache to ensure caching of :code and prevent it from being thrown out of the cache due to size limitations. Future improvements are planned to prevent certain values, such as :code, from being removed from the cache at all.

#14190 WarpSync: Show number of required peers in informant


The change makes it clearer to the user what the system is waiting for, instead of just saying “waiting for peers”.

#14182 RevertCmd: Expose database params via CLI


The code change exposes database parameters for RevertCmd via CLI, allowing users to use revert with ParityDb.

#14094 sc-informant: Do not show Block history if doing major sync


This code change fixes an issue where a node would need to do a major sync to sync to the tip of the chain if it was stopped and started while downloading block history, even after warp syncing. The change also updates the sync state displayed by Informant.

#13999 Manual seal delayed finalize


The code changes add delayed block finalization for instant block sealing consensus, which is needed for local development nodes such as substrate-contract-node and swanky-node. Frontend development requires the ability to configure the delayed time for block finalization after blocks are imported. An integration example for an actual node can be found here.

#13800 Remove wasmi backend from sc-executor


This PR removes the wasmi backend, making the runtime execution exclusively wasmtime.

#13701 Statement store


This code change implements a feature for calculating statement count/size limit per account, adding a channel field to allow replacing statements, reintroducing a priority field, and removing time-based statement expiration. Encryption and API for reporting statistics are still left to do in follow-up PRs. There are also links to related PRs for polkadot and cumulus companions.

#13384 rpc server: break legacy CLI options and remove “backward compatible HTTP server”


The code changes involve removing or renaming several CLI options in Substrate, including --rpc--max--payload, --ws--max--out-buffer-capacity, --ws-external, --unsafe--ws--external, --ipc--path, --ws-port, --ws-max--connections, --rpc-http, and --rpc-ws. These changes are reflected in the Polkadot and Cumulus companions.