
ETHDenver Talks Published 📺 | Learn ink! 4.0 tools 🦑| FRAME pallet highlights 🖼

Welcome to the March edition of the Substrate developer newsletter - the best place to discover the latest news from the Substrate and Polkadot community. We cover everything, from upcoming events and newly released learning material to technical updates for developers building with Substrate and FRAME.

Don’t forget, the newsletter is open to community contributions, so if there’s any news you’d like to see featured, don’t hesitate: make a PR to the next edition here.

⭐TL;DR and important announcements

📆 Upcoming events

🔦 Community highlights

Learn about what’s being built and discover new educational material from the Substrate and Polkadot community. Working on something you’d like to share here? This newsletter is open for contributions – make a PR to the next edition of the newsletter.

🎓 Learning

As always, a reminder to propose or request a topic you’d like to see on Substrate Seminar and chime in to this forum post to request a Deep Dive release.📺

☕️ Technical updates

In this edition, we’re experimenting with a new way to provide a digest of the latest updates to Substrate. If you have any feedback, please let us know by opening an issue – we welcome your input.

The updates highlighted below are PRs that have been merged into Substrate which contain the B1-note_worthy label and are likely relevant to most builders. Please have a look at the full list of PRs on GitHub to get more details on them and to go through others not included in this section.

FRAME: Fix the Referenda confirming alarm #13704

We were doing a straight mul to get the block number from a Perbill, which will round down if the fractional part is half or less. We should always be rounding up, though, to ensure that when the alarm goes off the confirmation period is definitely ready to begin.

Assets pallet: Giving the asset owner the ability to set minimum balance #13486

Introduces a new extrinsic set_min_balance which allows the owner of the specific asset to change the min_balance required for an asset.

Metadata V15: Expose pallet documentation #13452

This patch captures the pallet documentation declared on the pallet module. The documentation added to this pallet is later on included in the runtime metadata.

Add defensive_assert! macro #13423

Similar to [assert!] but will print an error without debug_assertions instead of silently ignoring it.

Salary pallet #13378

Introduce a new pallet and associated traits which allows a chain to configure autonomous payments to members of a ranked collective.

Return account’s asset balances #13352

This method solves the problem of fetching the account’s asset balances. Now, instead of sending 100+ RPC requests it would be possible to send just one.

Pallet dispatchable+storage doc module. #13341

The goal of this PR is to make docs for dispatchables and storages on pallets more accessible and discoverable when browsing the generated docs. The PR accomplishes this by adding two auto-generated modules to all pallets: dispatchables and storage_types. These modules are only produced when building docs and otherwise do not exist or interfere with pallets. The storage_types module is auto-populated with documented structs representing each storage type from the parent pallet. The dispatchables module is auto-populated with uncallable auto-generated functions matching the signature of each Call variant. Right now a link to the corresponding Call enum variant is also included, though this may be removed. A note is included specifying that these cannot be called and are doc-only.

Metadata V15: Expose API to fetch metadata for version #13287

This PR extends the Metadata API to fetch the metadata at a given provided version.

It lays the foundation for keeping the metadata V14 around and exposing the V15 for early adopters before making a major breaking change.

[NFTs] Offchain mint #13158

This PR adds a new way of minting NFTs with pre-signed data.

As the collection’s owner, you can pre-sign a mint data and pass the signature to the end-user, who would submit it on-chain. The item’s mint and metadata/attributes deposits will be taken from the end user.

In the mint data, it’s possible to set the metadata and attributes for the item, set the deadline for signature and whitelist the origin.

👀 Releases

Go to Polkadiff for a full list of merged PRs into Substrate and Polkadot since the last Polkadot release and be sure to read the last Polkadot Release Analysis reports on the Polkadot forum. In this section, we go over updates to various core tools developed by Parity for the ecosystem.

Subxt (v0.27.1) 📫

A Rust library to submit extrinsics (transactions) to a Substrate node via RPC.

Notable updates includes adding find_last for block types events.

Sidecar (v14.5.0) 🚗

Sidecar is a REST service that makes it easy to interact with blockchain nodes built using Substrate’s FRAME framework.

Notable features added in this release include adding endpoints for pallets/dispatchables and pallets/consts.

Zombienet (v1.3.4) 🧟

Currently under active development, Zombienet is a CLI tool to easily spawn ephemeral parachain networks and perform tests against them.

Make sure to update to this latest version if you want to use the newest features.

📰 Substrate jobs

Have a look at all the open roles in the ecosystem on the Substrate Job Board.

Got ideas for content you’d like to see in future newsletters? Make a PR to the next edition here – we’d love to include them. ❤️

Previous editions of this newsletter are available in the public archive rendered on this web page as well as on Polkaverse. Join us there to comment, emote or provide feedback on our newsletters – all using a decentralised social media space built with Substrate and IPFS.