
To kick off this February edition, join us in celebrating the 5 year anniversary of Substrate’s beginnings, from PR #60, where Substrate started emerging out of what was initially Polkadot. Check it out yourself: a lot of renaming crates and separating Polkadot-specific primitives from those that weren’t Polkadot-specific. 🎂🧬

⭐TL;DR and important announcements

📆 Upcoming events

🔦 Community highlights

Ecosystem builders

This month we highlight bounties, grants, and other nifty ways to start building in the Substrate and Polkadot ecosystem.

Working on something you’d like to share here? This newsletter is open for contributions – make a PR to the next edition of the newsletter.

Polkadot Forum Digest

In case you’ve missed some of the recent discussions happening in the Polkadot Forum, here are some highlights:


This edition highlights new Seminars, Deep Dives and other learning material made by contributors in our ecosystem.

As always, a reminder to propose or request a topic you’d like to see on Substrate Seminar and chime in to this forum post to request a Deep Dive release.📺

☕️ Technical updates

Most of the technical updates this month pertain to runtime developers and infrastructure and tooling services which may be affected by updates in the Substrate codebase. These include:

👀 Releases

Go to Polkadiff for a full list of merged PRs into Substrate and Polkadot since the last Polkadot release and be sure to read the Polkadot Release Analysis of v0.9.37 on the Polkadot forum. In this section, we go over updates to various core tools developed by Parity for the ecosystem.

Subxt (v0.26.0) 📫

A Rust library to submit extrinsics (transactions) to a Substrate node via RPC.

Notable changes include making the Storage API more block-centric and making Substrate dependencies optional.

Sidecar (v14.3.1) 🚗

Sidecar is a REST service that makes it easy to interact with blockchain nodes built using Substrate’s FRAME framework.

This update fixes a few bugs, including adding the use of the latest error metadata for fetchErrorItem and renaming nomination-pools to be to standard.

Tx-wrapper (v5.0.0) 🍬

Tx-wrapper provides tools for FRAME chain builders to publish chain specific offline transaction generation libraries.

Major changes include removing store_call from asMulti as v9340 Polkadot runtimes will no longer support it.

Zombienet (v1.3.33) 🧟

Zombienet is a CLI tool to easily spawn ephemeral parachain networks and perform tests against them.

Only minor fixes and no breaking changes.

📰 Substrate jobs

Have a look at all the open roles in the ecosystem on the Substrate Job Board.

Got ideas for content you’d like to see in future newsletters? Make a PR to the next edition here – we’d love to include them. ❤️

Previous editions of this newsletter are available in the public archive rendered on this web page as well as on Polkaverse. Join us there to comment, emote or provide feedback on our newsletters – all using a decentralised social media space built with Substrate and IPFS.